Scholarship Speaking Program

The Scholarship Speaking Program by Taylor C. Duncan is committed to spreading messages of inclusion and empowerment to diverse audiences. Designed for organizations with limited budgets, this program aims to provide access to impactful, inspirational, and educational talks that align with the values of inclusivity, disability advocacy, leadership, and personal growth.

Eligibility Criteria:

Organization Type: Non-profits, educational institutions, community organizations

Event Purpose: Must align with themes of inclusivity, disability advocacy, leadership, or personal growth

Please submit this request at least 8 weeks before your event.

What We Offer:

A 45-60 minute keynote speech

Q&A session (time permitting)

Digital handouts for attendees

Discounted or Waived Speaker's Fee (based on a sliding scale and available resources)

What We Ask in Return:

Assistance with local transportation (and lodging if requested)

Permission to sell books/merchandise/set up a table for ABO recruitment

Post-event survey completion

Opportunity to explore additional speaking engagements in your area

Applications are reviewed monthly. Decisions are based on alignment with our mission, potential impact, and available resources. While we wish we could accept all applications, our resources are limited. We encourage all organizations to apply, regardless of budget. Please submit this application at least 8 weeks in advance and complete the application in full. There may be a follow-up e-mail or phone call for further discussion about your event.